The Sundae - its history

One of the most famous dessert ice cream should be ice cream. In addition to the "Banana Split" is a dessert of ice cream served in the United States. A Sundae is just a bowl full of ice and then topped with a kind of sauce or syrup. The most common types of cups are caramel chocolate, caramel or strawberry. Other pads are placed on an ice cream, but are part of the original. In fact, nuts, whipped cream and cherriesonly complement cup wonder.

Ice cream is, because most local laws band Ice Cream Soda made on Sunday, so that the treatment was made to be eaten on a Sunday. It was found that ice cream sodas were sin "and the ice cream is simply perfect, a Sunday afternoon.

Ice cream is perfect because it was not to indulge. There is only one small scoop of ice cream with a sweet coating. The spelling is from an old myth that a glass of Two Rivers canoe shaped the seller wasShells. was a tribute to the shells and place of y. Or maybe not get the spelling of the Two Rivers Sundae. It is also stated that it is spelled cup, so do not treat Sunday as the meaning of shame. Although ice cream is easy to do, history is hard to remember. In fact, most people argue that the treatment has come to life.

Do you know where is the birthplace of ice cream? There are several applications to treat them. The indication is that the ice creamwas in two rivers, Wisconsin invented, but they also got back their claim. It was also argued that the ice cream for the first time in Plainfield, Illinois, Evanston, Illinois, New York City, New Orleans, Louisiana Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, New York and Ithaca, New York developed.

However, the rivalry between Ithaca and two rivers. In 2006, the mayor of Ithaca dozens of complaints from two rivers, the claim to the title. It 'was a response to Ithaca after they announced that the evidenceoriginality of ice cream in their city. In Ithaca, it is an honor to fight them. Two River's argument that the cup of cream in their city in 1881 syrip a soda jerk pours chocolate on ice. It 'was only sold on Sunday in two rivers.

Ithaca claim to fame was to be 1891, a local pastor brought bowls of ice cream with chocolate syrup and a cherry top and a new treatment only. The ice cream may return date was in 1892, where advertising for documentedCherry Ice Cream has been submitted.

Who knows who really invented the ice cream, but boy they taste good! There are so many different types of ice cream that you can purcahse the whole country. You have the classic fudget Hot Sundae, which is the most popular type of ice cream. Most often made with vanilla ice cream, chocolate, but it was a popular form. She also heard the caramel ice cream. With caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream on drizzeledthrew in the previous rule pecans.

You can also find the Strawberry Sundae IKEA at any time, but there are many other variants, which are now offered. Can pineapple, marshmallows (in which a sauce poured over creamy vanilla ice cream), blueberry, raspberry, cold chocolate, bananas and so on. There are over one hundred different types of ice cream, ice cream more expensive but has been documented to be sold for a thousand dollars.

It consists of five spheres rangingice cream chocolate vanilla beans in edible gold leaf are expensive and a rare off. Then it is covered with passion fruit, oranges, golden caviar, and candied fruit. Cherries are concerned, without golden marzipan, which is real. And 'served in a crystal bowl and a spoon of gold.

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Gold Detecting - Where to Look

Gold detecting is all about location, and sometimes deciding where to go can be complicated. For example, obviously you want to go to the places where you're most likely find a good yield, but you don't want to search in areas that have been overworked by others.

At the same time, there are locations that everyone just assumes have been completely tapped of gold, so nobody goes there anymore. But, what we have to remember is that gold detecting technology is always improving, and with the new technologies you may be able to find gold where others gave up looking long ago.

Detecting Misplaced Gold Items

Many gold detecting hobbyists devote most of their energies to finding lost items such as jewelry and coins. This is easier for some people because it doesn't require special knowledge about where to find naturally-occurring gold, and the best locations to search are often very close to home. Plus, if you have the right metal detecting equipment, you're also liable to find lots of valuable non-gold items.

If you live near the ocean, a good place to begin is the beach, particularly popular public beaches frequented by tourists. For obvious reasons, the best time to go is at the end of the busy season -- around early Autumn in most areas -- and during low-tide, when as much of the beach as possible is exposed.

But use caution. Before you start gold detecting on a beach, look around and make sure you don't see anyone already searching, as beachcombers can be quite territorial, and many of them have bad attitudes.

After the beach, the next best place to go is a public park, especially in an urban area. If there's a park in your area where people like to picnic or barbecue, or where there are lots of outdoor concerts and festivals, that's a good place to look for gold. Start with areas where there is tall grass or dense ground foliage.

Detecting Naturally-Occurring Gold

People have been mining the Earth's natural gold deposits for thousands of years, but most geologists agree that we've barely scratched the surface, literally. In fact, so far we've only mined a tiny percentage of the gold that geologists believe exists under the first three feet of the Earth's surface.

But to be more specific, gold occurs most often along streams and rivers that flow part of the way underground and that originate in mountains or other geologically active areas. Along these rivers, the best place to look is in alluvial deposits where minerals borne by the flowing water get trapped and build up.

The theory behind the occurrence of large gold nuggets is that they form deep underground where super-heated water flows through molten minerals that over time clump into uniform masses, which we call nuggets. Eventually, a small percentage of these nuggets make it to the surface of the earth, where lucky people sometimes find them.

Like alluvial gold, gold nuggets are brought to the surface by water. However, sometimes they can be found in places where water once existed but perhaps hasn't flowed for thousands or even millions of years. So, in your gold detecting, if you ever find a gold nugget, consider yourself very lucky. And keep looking, because wherever there's one, you can usually find more.

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Ayurveda on cloned meat and dairy

Just this Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared that healthy clones of cows, pigs and goats are safe for human consumption.

The whole purpose behind these cloning experiments is to improve the DNA of the animal. The ultimate goal: Healthier meat and dairy products. The realistic result: Who knows?

As Senator Barbara Mikulski put it in a written statement: "The FDA has acted recklessly and I am profoundly disappointed in their rush to approve cloned foods."

"Thorough" testing has included only 600 cloned animals. 570 of them are cattle. I guess 30 pigs and goats was enough of a trial run to deem them safe..

An Ayurvedic Perspective

Of course, in ancient times, cloning wasn't an issue. So there are no specific comments made on the science of cloning in the Ayurvedic text books.

On the other hand, Ayurveda is a live science, and alive today. We can apply that knowledge to determine whether something is wholesome for the human body.

As of Tuesday, we have these new, genetically modified meats and dairy products approved for the general public. These foods have undergone changes at a genetic level. That's a fact... or they wouldn't have bothered cloning them in the first place. They are trying to improve livestock so that it grows faster, tastes better, produces more milk... whatever.

(It's amusing and scary to note, that when passing these new life forms the FDA states that "there is no material difference between them and food produced by conventional methods." Hypocrisy! On the other side of this gold coin opportunity, they state that the cloned breeds are healthier and stronger. The same thing happened with GMO crops. It got passed by the FDA because it wasn't "different." Then it gets patented because it's totally unique.)

They may be very good changes. Let's assume they are for a minute (which is a BIG assumption). The main issue, however, that if these new foods on the market, consumers from all the natural night to the new and improved.

These new foods may Flight Throw Your Body in a fight or fashion

From the Ayurvedic point of view, these changes are too fast. Puts a toll on the body. Throw in high-adrenal "fight-or-" flight state.

I do not know how these new genetic codes to those used to influence. Especially for a long time.Particularly as the genetic modification as a science today is arbitrary. Change is usually performed DNA by "shooting" into new areas, with the help of a virus of E. coli. E 'rather primitive. You can make positive improvements to DNA damage and in this process, strange changes.

We are brass with genes at the microscopic level. We have no idea what kind of chronic stress that is put on our physiology and animal physiology. And if that the distribution of cloned foodin our body, which becomes part of our body.

Far too many unknowns

In short, there are simply too many unknowns out of something that is a very complex issue. You have not even tried a 1000 animals and is already approved for human consumption. Most of the analysis of meat and dairy products do in laboratories. Are superficial review of aspects such as nutrient content.

The actual experiment started, when clonedAnimals produce offspring and these offspring will start showing people of dining tables. If you are in Canada, then you're lucky, meat and dairy products have been cloned has not been approved by Health Canada. Europe, however, was the go-ahead.

And there is no marking is required. The only certain way when you eat meat or to buy milk is to go organic. certified organic meat and dairy products are not genetically modified. Of course, to begin crossing takes place, as seen withgenetically modified foods.

You risk contaminating the entire species.

Splicing Up India, the symbol of Nurture

On another note, it affects the idea of cloning and modification of DNA strings Indian cow in my heart. As you know, in India the cow is a symbol of the Divine Mother - the symbol of care for mankind. Cow's milk is considered the sacred food in India, the cow because they are free. All other foods, like fruits andVegetables should be taken at the expense of the plant.

Now we are the nature and splicing their DNA. Scientific Metzger crucify her neurosis on the table.

warm milk chocolate is a universal drink in comfort. Those days are over. The sacred cow and considers the history of milk in Ayurvedic medicine (including ghee) was obscured by the shadow of modern scientific tyranny.

Mustache and Beard Trimmer

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Buy Gold Coins Online For the Feeling of a Lifetime

You search to buy gold coins online. Congratulations. You are among the few to admit that this product is actually in our DNA, and has been for milleniums. Most will say things like "money doesn't buy happiness." Or "rich people are _____." But you're like me and you choose not to believe it. Yes, happiness comes first. Then riches. And the symbol of riches? How about a treasure chest full of gold coins. That is why you search to buy gold coins online. You are simply fulfilling what your DNA already knew since you were a child.

Have you ever seen a children's novel where the Pirate walks to the end of the plank and throws in the chest of gold coins? Nope. I imagine you're not going to see that one either. You see, in the fictitious Pirate's world, gold was worth more than human life. You buy gold coins online, not because you value it more than life. Rather, you buy gold coins online because you want the very best out of life. You are happy and you deserve to be rich.

Unequivocally, you buy gold coins online because it's a feeling. Literally, a feeling of pure gold. And why not? You now comprehend that you deserve it. You know it will be valuable in the future, just like it was valuable in the past. If not more so tomorrow.

This article is not about the current value of a particular coin. It is a story about why we do what we do. Have you ever asked "Why do I buy gold coins online?" Let us take a trip back down to one of the greatest children's novels. It is called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yes, now you remember. Some renamed it Willy Wonka and the whatever.... But it was a story about Charlie. Why did we love this novel? I say it was because of a golden ticket. A ticket made of gold that said even the good guy, with the right belief, and the right deserve... can have it all. That ticket was not purple. The ticket was not even silver. That ticket meant something to all of us. That ticket was gold.

That, my friend is the feeling. The goose bumps when the glass elevator breaks through and the former poor kid looks down on the world below. The right opportunity, the right time, the right kid, and the right color ticket. Its synchrodestiny. Its what you yearn for. Platinum and bands-20" title="diamond">diamond sound so cool... but to Charlie it was the gold that mattered. The gold that changed everything. And a little act of kindness along the way that said Charlie unequivocally DESERVED that reward more than anyone.

I will leave you with this thought. You remember the movie so well because it struck a chord. Is the Charlie within you still around? If he's asleep in the loft its time to wake him up. Willy Wonka's not getting any younger. I am sensing you already know that. Because you took the step to buy gold coins online. Once again congratulations and good for you. You have found your purpose. Your chocolate factory is waiting.

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The Ice Cream Sundae - It's History

One of the most famous ice cream desserts would have to be the ice cream sundae. Next to the banana split, it is one of the most served ice cream desserts in the United States. A Sundae is just a bowl filled with ice cream and then topped with some type of sauce or syrup. The most common types of sundaes are chocolate caramel, butterscotch, or strawberry. Other toppings are placed on a sundae, but are not part of the orginal makeup. In fact, nuts, dairy cream, and cherries are just an addition to the wonder sundae.

A sundae is called a sundae because most local laws band Ice Cream sodas to be made on Sunday, so this treat was made to be eaten on a Sunday. It was stated that ice cream sodas were too "sinful" and the sundae is just perfect a Sunday afternoon.

The sundae is perfect because it wasn't too indulging. It's just one scoop of icecream with a little sweet topping. The spelling came from an old myth that a glass salesman gave Two Rivers canoe shaped bowls. To pay tribute to the bowls the e was used instead of a y. Or maybe the spelling of the sundae didn't come from Two Rivers. It is also stated that it is spelled s-u-n-d-a-e so as not to disgrace the meaning of Sunday as a treat. Even though the sundae is easy to make, the history is hard to recall. In fact, many people are disputing where the treat came to life.

Do you know where the birthplace of the sundae is? There are various claims to this treat. One claim is that the sundae was invented in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, but they also took back their claim. It has also been claimed that the sundae was also first developed in Plainfield, Illinois, Evanston, Illinois, New York City, New Orleans, Louisiana, Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, NewYork, and Ithaca, New York.

However the rivalry is between Ithaca and Two Rivers. In 2006 the mayor Ithaca had dozens of complaints from Two Rivers about the claim to the title. It was a reponse to Ithaca after they claimed they had proof of the sundae orginality in their town. To Ithaca it is an honor that they will fight for. Two River's claim that the sundae formed in their town because 1881 a soda jerk poured chocolate syrip over ice cream. It was sold only on Sundays in Two Rivers.

Ithaca's claim to fame was to be in 1891, a local pastor placed bowls of ice cream with chocolate syrup and a cherry on top just as a new treat. The sundae can go back as far was 1892, where documented advertisements for cherry sundaes were featured.

Who knows who really invented the sundae, but boy do they taste good! There are many different types of sundaes that you can purcahse all over the country. You have the classic hot fudget sundae which is the most popular type of sundae. Most of the time it is made with vanilla ice cream, but chocolate ice cream has also been a popular form. You have also heard of the carmel sundae. With a caramel sauce drizzeled on top of vanilla ice cream and usually has pecans thrown on top.

You can also find the strawberry sundae at any local store, but there are many other flavors that are offered now. You can get pineapple, marshmellow (in where a creamy sauce is poured over vanilla ice cream), blueberry, raspberry, cold chocolate, and banana and so on. There are over hundred different types of sundaes, but the most expensive sundae to be documented was sold for thousand American dollars.

It consists of five scoops of rich vanilla bean ice cream covered in edible gold leafs that are made from a rare and expensive chocolate. Then it is covered with passion fruit, oranges, golden caviar, and candied fruits. The cherries are made out of marzipan that has real gold touches. It is served in a crystal goblet and a golden spoon.

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Is the South African Krugerrand Mini Gold Coin For Real?

Is the South African Krugerrand Mini Gold Coin an authentic gold bullion coin? Are you dreaming? It looks similar to the very popular South African Krugerrand gold bullion coin but perhaps it is just a fake ripoff?

No need to pinch yourself; you aren't dreaming! What you have just encountered are authentic reproductions of the bigger Krugerrand gold bullion coins. What makes them extraordinarily appealing to collectors and speculators as well are its realistic renditions of the much more expensive version.

Since gold is once again climbing to levels that have never been experienced before, acquiring the South African Krugerrand Mini Gold Coin and adding it to the list in your investment portfolio would be a great move. And why is that? You see the mini gold coins have a weight of an approximated .50 grams. It has a 10mm approximated size in diameter.

It gets better when you find out that their composition rates essentially varies from 6K to as high as the first 22K. If you have plans on acquiring some, it is best to follow the golden rule in purchasing in volume. That is, the more pieces you buy, the lower the cost will be.

Keep in mind that you may have stumbled on a good deal in the Net but be cautious with its validity. There are no silver Krugerrands in the market. Don't let these folk trick you into buying these products. It is best to educated yourself on the coin's identity. For example, the one-half ounce mini features 150 reeds while the the one-quarter and one-tenth ounces have 140 reeds in the design.

Before you bring the gold coins home to show to your family, it would be best to do your own research first to make sure you're bringing home pieces of the South African Krugerrand Mini Gold Coin and not gold covered chocolate mini coins!

Portable Generator

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LGN Revolution Has Become the New and Improved Passport to Wealth

I Want That Home Based Business That Makes Thousands While I Sleep 

LGN Revolution is just what the name implies: Looking out for the Little Guy.

In today's deplorable economy with millions of people losing jobs and homes more people are turning to the home based business markets than ever before. With the thousands of various opportunities available to choose from it is often a complicated task for the first time home based business marketer to decide which avenue would best suit their needs.

As we have all seen and heard enticing stories about how so many people have become successful with their own home based internet business and earning that whole year's paycheck in just one month we can not help but to be envious and want to find the overnight success that delivers the automatic income which ensures we will never have to worry about money again.

With each of these business opportunities all promising the potential of earning incredible income with very little or no work required; many people join with the expectation to actually see instant success with little effort only to soon find themselves listed among the over 90% of home based internet marketers who never make a dime and fail miserably. Some people actually believe that all they need to do is simply sign up for their free test drive then sit back and wait for the bank to call and inform them that their account has exceeded F.D.I.C limits.

When I grow up I want to become a professional Pester expert.

Let's do a little reality check here for a minute. Nobody joins these business opportunities because they've always had a lifelong dream of beating their head off a brick wall trying to chase their family or friends and anybody who comes within three feet and pestering them to buy things which include: Magic Powders, Potions, Creams, Juice, Cookies, Credit Repair, travel Plans, Stuff that makes your car go Vroom Vroom, A New Mortgage, A Bigger Penis, or any of the thousands of  "Programs" in between.

The people who join these "programs" or "business opportunities" get involved for TWO Reasons ONLY. The First is: To Make Money and the Second is: To Make Money NOW!   I believe that for the most part the people who seek out which business is right for them to join are looking to find those where others have gotten involved before them and can claim to have done well, and of course become a member of a business that promotes products or services with the intention of not joining the many out there who feel that the key to success is a lack of integrity. Anybody who has been on line long enough soon discovers how the internet can be both fascinating and appalling at the same time.

As each year more and more predators come up to cyberspace creating more clever ways to deceive and cheat people; these are the bad apples who spoil the sincere efforts of those who work very hard to become known for trustworthiness and reliability. The internet seems to have a battlefield for good VS. evil. Often time one is mistaken for the other.

The way it works is actually very simple and not rocket science at all. A lot of people will settle on the business they want to join because they were lured in with promises of instant success and riches. Having heard about a superstar top earner that brings in the six figure monthly income they whip out that credit card and begin the process of what I like to call mental masturbation which translates to playing with your own head.

Is it true that I only have to work just a few minutes a day?

They listen to the instructions to "plug into the system" and come to the company training sessions expecting to learn how to find that  "Magic Wand" that they can simply add some "Magic Pixie Dust" and wave it around to begin making instant sales and enjoy tremendous income. What they then soon discover is, contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as building a business in "Just A Few Minutes A Day."

When they are unable to make the necessary sacrifices and roll up the sleeves and get to work and get out there to find the right people to speak with and build that network; then soon find themselves going back to that "Job they were supposed to replace" asking the "Boss they were supposed to fire" for some overtime to pay off all the credit card debts accumulated while trying to "build that business" and meanwhile now hiding behind the caller I.D. for all the harassing collection calls.

MY Sponsor went into the Witness Protection Program (Right after I sent my payment in.)

As new members join they now expect the sponsor who contacted them on a regular basis and informed them of all the great features including how the company does all the selling for you to become permanently attached. They now expect the sponsor to become the "Super Sponsor" who drops whatever they are doing at any time day or night to answer questions. Not only do they expect the Super Sponsor to "help them build their business" but even more so, expect the sponsor to build it for them. When they find this not to be the case, then the decline process begins. Soon they cancel the membership and do what many do which is set out on a witch hunt to defame the sponsor and the business.

Then suddenly they find time to get to work spreading their failure stories all over the internet and pointing the finger and anything or anyone to blame for their failures. A good example of this would be one of the most remarkable women who many people have heard of, Jeannie Looman. A stay at home mom from Georgia who spent years building one home based business after another while funding these from child support payments. After finding her pot of gold with passport To Wealth she then devoted much of her time and money  to sharing with hundreds of people how she was able to finally achieve her success.


While this woman should be nominated for the Mother Theresa award, there are numerous people who are angry that they had not been fortunate enough to duplicate her success and now instead of putting forth the time and effort necessary to do this, they spend more time to launch vile attacks against her and attempt to take hers away. Let's face it folks; The world does not care if you make it. They just get jealous when you do. It seems that the expression "Misery Loves Company" is so true because instead of taking the time and effort to go get their own slice of American Pie, they will make every effort possible to take yours away from you. 

So they give it a brief whirl, do not get rich overnight; then the next thing you see if they find the time to go create blogs and submit complaints to Rip Off Report.Com and tell the whole world that it is YOUR fault because they were unable to duplicate your success. I think tomorrow I am going to go across the street and ask my neighbor if he wouldn't mind to water and fertilize his lawn so that it will make my grass grow.

We often hear how not everything is for everyone. Not every person has what it takes to become a born salesperson. If they did, Mc Donald's would have a severe shortage of people who could stick their head out of the drive through window and ask you "Do you want fries with that?" Meanwhile, all along not even realizing they are selling fries yet receiving no commission for the sales generated. Yes LGN Revolution has made it much EASIER for those with NO Sales experience to see results. However, in order for the company to do all the work for you it is obviously in your best interest to get off your keyster and get out there to meet the quality people to introduce to the company.


Forgive that little attention grabber. No I am not selling cocaine. One of the examples I like to demonstrate for people is how some people are born salespersons and do not even realize it. As we all know or have heard about there is a serious drug epidemic in this, and many other countries. The undeniable fact is that so many people have made the fatal mistake of trying to achieve instant success by participating in illegal or prohibited activities in the hopes of hitting that fast money winning streak.

A drug dealer develops the skills necessary to know how to go out and find the right people to procure large quantities of drugs, then repackage this into small packages of drugs, then go out and find the people who will soon become regular customers and continue to order their supply of drugs. How do they accomplish this: Do they place ads in the L.A. or N.Y. Times Classified with "Wanted to Buy: Cocaine?" or "I have Cocaine for sale?" Yet without even realizing it they develop the skills necessary to build a word of mouth business that earns them a tremendous income until of course one of these word of mouth customers is a Police officer who then dutifully informs them that that business is a No-No and there are certain reprocussions to follow which include lengthy prison sentences and forfeitures of all earnings.

Products and Services Make The World Go Round

As the now retired Don LaPre, who became a multi-millionaire before the ripe age of 25 once said, "The trick to becoming rich is to find a product or service that people want or need and focus on finding the people who need it." If you have not noticed by now there is one product that people from any background all want or need and that is MONEY or the ability to earn a lot of it. People from all walks of life and every language all love to make money.

One good example I love to use is Mr. Ray Kroc, the founder of the aforementioned Micky D's, who took a chain of five stores and turned it into one of the largest corporations in the world from selling hamburgers. Dunkin' Donuts did it with a cup of coffee, AT&T did it with telephones and the list goes on. How much more simpler can it get than that?

I once knew a guy who made a fortune buying and selling Mattresses. Buying them at a discounted price and reselling them in a local classified paper at discounted prices. The thing I love most about LGN Revolution is I never have to replenish my product supply. The start up costs and membership fee allow me to have product on inventory at all times that I only Bought ONE time and can re-sell as often as I wish. No having to re-order for each sale makes for a very nice profit margin.

Of course instant success and riches do not come overnight and there are so many "follow the leader" methods along the way. Some will deliver better results than others while some return none at all. There are businesses who have been around for decades that suddenly seem to go belly up overnight while some are in business for less than one year and earn enough millions to open their own bank as the inventor of the Mr. Moonie toy has done with G & L Savings and Loan. Some people have the Midas touch where every thing they put their hand into turns to Gold; IE:  Sir Richard Branson of Virgin, or Mr. "You're Fired" Donald Trump and on the other end are people who have the defication touch where they touch things that turn into something I can't mention here as this is a family oriented site.

As many business such as passport To Wealth and LGN Revolution gain popularity  the select top earners who, after achieving great success, find their names soon become commonplace household words throughout the internet such as Darren Gaudry, Bob Williams, the aforementioned Jeannie Looman and many others. Consequently,.along come the numerous copy-cats who throw their collective hats in the ring and devote their advertising efforts to compete against or compare themselves to these companies. Using mud-slinging and bad-mouthing they attempt to lead people to think that other businesses are a SCAM or offer worthless products and seem to think this is the most efficient way to entice customers over to their side of the fence. If you have not figured out by now, this is one of the tricks used by many to get free search engine placement. If you want to open a business that competes against passport To Wealth, LGN Revolution, EDC Gold, or any other popular name, simply be sure to include those names in your ads that visitors who search for those keywords using Google (etc.)  will be sure to find.

This reminds me of an old trick a yard sale expert  did for free advertising. As the neighbors up the street took the time to create posters advertising their yard sale and post them all around the neighborhoods, this guy would simply wait for the same weekend they held that sale and hold one of his own. Now as all the people in the area saw the signs the neighbors took the trouble to create and post and arrived to their yard sale, they would notice there is another one being held only a few houses away at the same time. Clever way to get somebody else to pay for your advertising.

NO Inventory or Monthly Auto Ship Required

I would like to clarify that it is not the products that encourage new members to join so much as it is the income to be earned from marketing these products. Although I do remove my hat to Mr. James Ward, the creator and founder of LGN Revolution for having done a great job of listening to the complaints that passport To Wealth has received and using this to turn a negative into a positive and removing the errors and obstacles that make LGN Revolution a much more powerful marketing tool. Having had the pleasure and Privilidge of communicating with James numerous times myself I've asked him when does he ever find the time to sleep. This man does a remarkable job of making himself available to all of his team members.

Promptly returning calls and emails personally and making his appearance on many of the team conference and training calls James Ward is the first one I have ever worked with where I feel he takes a sincere interest in growing each member's business and not just bringing them on board to collect the monthly membership fees. Talk about a bang for the buck, the measly $25.95 membership fee comes complete with ALL of the tools and resources that others charge separtely for. No more being on the hook for a few hundred bucks a month while trying to get started and bring in sales.

Even the compensation plan is designed to ensure member's success. With many of the other $997.00 programs there have been people who put up the initial costs including the required "Pass Up" sales only to find the sales soon stopped and they've had tremendous difficulty making the consecutive sales to get the return on investment. In today's deplorable economy it is realistically much more difficult to find those who can afford the $997.00 start up costs.  No matter how much they shake the sofa; only so much change is going to fall out. LGN Revolution removes this obstacle as now members can join for as low as only $200.00 and then build up to the $997.00 ELITE level.

What most people fail to realize is that even though these products are at their disposal with full resale rights, the average Joe on the street could really care less about them and is primarily interested on focusing on the income earned from the generated sales. Most of the people on the internet have no clue how to install and use many of the software products and most likely never will even attempt to do so. The vacation packages offered are truly remarkable in and of themselves. They allow some people who could never afford to visit outside of their own home to enjoy a moment in the sun in some of the most exotic locations in the world. Yet, as with the software products offered these vacation packages will simply sit in the back office and go un-used.

Advertising Advertising Advertising

I could not stress enough how just the same way the three key words in Real Estate are Location, Location, Location; the three key words in ANY marketing endeavor are: Advertising, Advertising, Advertising. For as long as anyone can remember your whole life you have been exposed to various forms of advertising. How many of us can recognize slogans or logos simply from the constant bombardment of advertising efforts we have been exposed to? When you see the Nike "Swoosh" you think "Just Do It" or when you drive down the street and see those golden arches you already know "Mc Donald's" with "over one million served." Of course that has been recently changed to Billions, but you get the idea. Branding, product placement and constant repetition has been proven to work time and time again.

Or how about "Ivory Soap" with "99.9% Pure" and "So Pure It Floats?" Meanwhile you may think to yourself, "Awww that stuff does not affect me; I pay no attention to that." Then one day while in the grocery store with the shopping list that includes some soap for the bathroom and going down the aisle you see the bar of Ivory and don't even think twice before grabbing it and tossing it in your cart.

Most people, especially those just getting started, do not have the extensive advertising budgets that others are privy to. Yet even some of the Free Advertising resources may prove to deliver better results that some of the most expensive commercial ads. It makes no difference if you can drop a million dollars a minute for television commercials during the Superbowl or simply placing bumper stickers on the back of your car. You need to get your ad out there to bring the eyeballs to your site. One of the new things I have noticed is how clothing manufactures have been stitching logos on the seat of women's pants. As if to say, "Hey, since you are looking down here anyway; you may as well read my ad."  What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that?  I'm going to ask some sexy girls if they wouldn't mind  stitching my website address across her butt.

I have found that some free advertising resources have delivered better results than expected. Yes when placing ads on free classified websites we all get bombarded with offers from fellow marketers attempting to entice us to come visit their website and join their business. That is to be expected. In this game we are all compared to a bunch of cows in a corral all Mooing each other. I got white milk over here. I got chocolate here. I have taken out full page magazine ads for $5000.00 that delivered just 2 calls and then have gotten hundreds of hits simply from placing free ads on places such as backpage or craigslist.

Are you an Expert on how to LOSE money on line?

I could write an entire novel here with the numerous failed experiences I have had over the years in my attempts to find the right "business" to promote. Then again, with the "over 90% who fail" so couldn't many people. As Thomas Edison once wrote when attempting to find a filament to use for his light bulb that would not burn out; "I have not failed 1000 times. I have successfully found 1000 ways that will not work." Have you heard of the common household lubricant called WD-40 and the story how it got that name? When NASA commissioned the lab to come up with a "Water Deterrent" formula that could be used in space, they went through 40 different experiments until they found the one that delivered satisfactory results. Hence the name 4D-40.

Many of us have heard the expression "Practice Makes Perfect" yet nothing can be further than the truth as you can practice doing it WRONG a whole lot. Perfect practice makes Perfect. Unfortunately, as we travel through this wonderful growing and learning experience we call live many of us come out with a PhD from the School of Hard Knocks. This is another of the reasons why I truly appreciate the efforts of Mr. James Ward and his LGN Revolution as the team that shares with new members is not afraid to expose them to the truths of where to go for useful tools and resources, but more importantly, where to avoid. This is another small step to keep the struggling marketer from going broke when they are supposed to be on the way to creating wealth.

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Catch a Leprechaun in Your Garden

There is no mention to be found of female leprechauns in traditional Irish legend, so as to how they came to be .. your guess is as good as mine.

These apparently aged, diminutive men are hard-working cobblers, turning out exquisite shoes for other sprites. If you happen across an industrious little fellow hammering out a shoe, look closely - for he may be a leprechaun. Step quietly, for leprechauns will avoid humans, knowing us to be foolish and greedy.

A leprechaun dresses in old-fashioned clothes of green, with a red cap, multi-pocketed leather apron, and buckled shoes. He is quite fond of a smoke from his foul smelling clay pipe which is always close by, and he is frequently in an intoxicated state from home-brew poteen. However, a leprechaun never becomes so drunk that the hand which holds the hammer becomes unsteady and his shoemaker's work affected. If you hear the sound of a hammer from behind a hedgerow you know you have found him.

As well as cobbling, his other trade is banking, and he is guardian to the ancient treasures. Much treasure was left by the Danes when they marauded through Ireland, and the leprechaun buries it in crocks or pots. Rainbows reveal where pots of gold are hidden, so he will sometimes spend all day moving crocks from one spot to another to elude the tell-tale end of the rainbow. If you catch a leprechaun, don't let him out of your grasp before he reveals his gold. He'll try to distract you with all manner of tricks and, in the blink of an eye, will dash out of sight. For such a sturdy little chap, he can move with the speed of a rabbit.

He carries two leather pouches. In one there is a silver shilling, a magical coin that returns to the purse each time it's spent. In the other there is a gold coin for bribing his way out of difficult situations. (Don't accept this coin - it turns into a rock). But he can be generous if you do him a good turn. Your kind deed wil be repaid with a wish.

Leprechauns come in two distinct groups - leprechaun and cluricaun. A cluricaun dresses very stylishly with a jaunty cap, large silver buckles on his shoes, beautiful gold laces and pale blue stockings. You will never see him wear an apron or carry a hammer. He has a jolly grin, a slightly pink-tipped nose and is almost always drunk and cheerful. Pass him by, for he never has any money, or any idea where treasure is buried.

A cluricaun will steal or borrow almost anything, making merry and creating mayhem in your house during the hours of darkness. He will happily busy himself raiding your kitchen, pantry, larder and cellar and after dinner he will harness your sheep, goats, dogs and even your domestic fowls to ride away.Through the countryside he will race them, over the fields and into the bog. Leprechauns denounce cluricaun behavior, but it has been said that cluricauns may just be leprechauns on drunken sprees.

You can make a trap with common household items. Take a net, a cardboard box, green paint, green tissue paper, some pennies and an old shoe. Firstly, paint the cardboard box green and place the old shoe inside. Cover the opening with thin green tissue paper. Carefully lay the pennies on the tissue paper. (If you don't want to use real money, you can easily substitute chocolate gold- wrapped coins or make your own by cutting circles out of cardboard and painting them gold).

Place the trap near some trees or hedgerows. Make sure it's disguised well and blends into the surroundings. When the Leprechaun sees the coins he will try to collect them. He will step onto the tissue paper, it will break and he will fall into the box. Now quickly throw the net over him.

You can also try to lure a leprechaun with some poteen instead of an old shoe. When he falls into the box he will drink the brew, get drunk and then you can grab him.

No one has yet caught a leprechaun, but don't be discouraged. Start looking today. Good luck !!

There is no mention to be found of female leprechauns in traditional Irish legend, so as to how they came to be .. your guess is as good as mine.

These apparently aged, diminutive men are hard-working cobblers, turning out exquisite shoes for other sprites. If you happen across an industrious little fellow hammering out a shoe, look closely - for he may be a leprechaun. Step quietly, for leprechauns will avoid humans, knowing us to be foolish and greedy.

A leprechaun dresses in old-fashioned clothes of green, with a red cap, multi-pocketed leather apron, and buckled shoes. He is quite fond of a smoke from his foul smelling clay pipe which is always close by, and he is frequently in an intoxicated state from home-brew poteen. However, a leprechaun never becomes so drunk that the hand which holds the hammer becomes unsteady and his shoemaker's work affected. If you hear the sound of a hammer from behind a hedgerow you know you have found him.

As well as cobbling, his other trade is banking, and he is guardian to the ancient treasures. Much treasure was left by the Danes when they marauded through Ireland, and the leprechaun buries it in crocks or pots. Rainbows reveal where pots of gold are hidden, so he will sometimes spend all day moving crocks from one spot to another to elude the tell-tale end of the rainbow. If you catch a leprechaun, don't let him out of your grasp before he reveals his gold. He'll try to distract you with all manner of tricks and, in the blink of an eye, will dash out of sight. For such a sturdy little chap, he can move with the speed of a rabbit.

He carries two leather pouches. In one there is a silver shilling, a magical coin that returns to the purse each time it's spent. In the other there is a gold coin for bribing his way out of difficult situations. (Don't accept this coin - it turns into a rock). But he can be generous if you do him a good turn. Your kind deed wil be repaid with a wish.

Leprechauns come in two distinct groups - leprechaun and cluricaun. A cluricaun dresses very stylishly with a jaunty cap, large silver buckles on his shoes, beautiful gold laces and pale blue stockings. You will never see him wear an apron or carry a hammer. He has a jolly grin, a slightly pink-tipped nose and is almost always drunk and cheerful. Pass him by, for he never has any money, or any idea where treasure is buried.

A cluricaun will steal or borrow almost anything, making merry and creating mayhem in your house during the hours of darkness. He will happily busy himself raiding your kitchen, pantry, larder and cellar and after dinner he will harness your sheep, goats, dogs and even your domestic fowls to ride away.Through the countryside he will race them, over the fields and into the bog. Leprechauns denounce cluricaun behavior, but it has been said that cluricauns may just be leprechauns on drunken sprees.

You can make a trap with common household items. Take a net, a cardboard box, green paint, green tissue paper, some pennies and an old shoe. Firstly, paint the cardboard box green and place the old shoe inside. Cover the opening with thin green tissue paper. Carefully lay the pennies on the tissue paper. (If you don't want to use real money, you can easily substitute chocolate gold- wrapped coins or make your own by cutting circles out of cardboard and painting them gold).

Place the trap near some trees or hedgerows. Make sure it's disguised well and blends into the surroundings. When the Leprechaun sees the coins he will try to collect them. He will step onto the tissue paper, it will break and he will fall into the box. Now quickly throw the net over him.

You can also try to lure a leprechaun with some poteen instead of an old shoe. When he falls into the box he will drink the brew, get drunk and then you can grab him.

No one has yet caught a leprechaun, but don't be discouraged. Start looking today. Good luck !!

Japanese Bonsai Trees

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Of Your Favorite Chocolate Coins and Bars

Chocolate coins are an ideal gift to children or even to adults. It is quite a fun way to share those candies wrapped in golden foil with coin imprints. These candies, although they always look enticing and new to a chocolate lover, actually have a very long history. Some say the very first type of treats like these were made in honor of the ruler of the Roman Empire, Caesar, and were gifted to the ladies and gentlemen of the Roman Court. These chocolate coins bore the face of no other than Cesar himself. On those days, the chocolate was not wrapped in foil but thin sheets of gold. So the recipients did not only receive a chocolate but also a little bit of the precious metal. This continued through many generations. To memorialize special dates and rites of passages, children were often gifted with chocolate coins. In modern times, the gold wrapper has been replaced with gold looking foil.

In the beginning of the 19th century, the chocolate bar came into being. It became a commercial venture that grew by leaps and bounds during the 20th century. Today, chocolate bars are still sold in unchanged form and content since the early days and until after WW II, a person could purchase one for just a nickel.

Chocolate bars today are manufactured and sold in thousands of varieties and can be easily purchased from vending machines. Some have even been added with vitamins, minerals and proteins while maintaining the sweetness and taste. People probably think different companies use different recipes for creating their chocolates. But actually, the only thing that differs is the cocoa plant variety that the products are created from.

Cacao paste, sugar, and cocoa butter are just some of the ingredients that go into a chocolate bar, with some optional ingredients such as lecithin and vanilla. When packaging, some companies use foil while others use plain paper but the best material, according to manufacturers, is waxed paper

If you're such a lover of these treats, you probably rejoiced when you first heard that they are actually good for the body. The main ingredient, cocoa, is a plant that is naturally rich in antioxidants and good fat. That means you can be safe with this candy, at least, up to 1.6 grams of it each day, according to experts. Of course, anything can still be unhealthy when eaten excessively. If you want your chocolates to be a positive experience both for your palate and your health, eat them but in moderation.

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How to Keep Kids Entertained at a Party

Kid's parties can be great fun. For most kids parties are a highlight and something that they look forward to for weeks and maybe even months in advance. Because of this it is important that you plan your kid's party correctly to ensure that there are no sad little faces at the party and that everyone leaves with a happy memory of the party and a smiley face.

One important rule for kid's parties is to let them enjoy themselves with as little interference from adults as possible. The adults should be there to supervise and to make sure that everyone is safe but other than that and to organise the party games there should be no more involvement from adults.

Kids always love playing games so trying to come up with new and interesting games for the kids to enjoy themselves can sometimes be a little difficult. Old favourites such as pass the parcel always go down well but perhaps you would like to add a little twist to the game, perhaps instead of winning a prize each time the music stops and you un-wrap a layer the kid has to perform a small act to win the prize.

If you are having a theme party perhaps a pirate theme then why not make a pirate ship piñata that all of the children have to take turns to hit with a pirates sword? You could fill the ship with gold coin chocolate money so that when it splits the gold treasure spills out onto the floor. Games such as this are easy to organise and will keep the kids entertained for a while.

Dressing up at a party is always fun for kids. You could perhaps organise a dressing up competition by putting lots of old clothes and dressing up clothes in a big box and getting the children to try to dress up in a particular theme. This provides fun for all the children and a fair bit of amusement for the parents.

Above all else you should try to keep the games simple and easy for the kids to understand and this way you should be able to keep their concentration and help them to enjoy the party that little bit more.

Automatic Can Crusher Mini Kick Scooter Automatic Lawn Mower

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Coin Wrappers - Best Place to Store Coins

Coin wrappers are the paper tubes having the finished crimp at one of the ends of tube and the opposite end is wide open. Coins are inserted in the wrapper through the open end of tube in order to form a stack of coins. Coin stack adjoins the crimped end wrapper in order to prevent the coins from falling from the wrapper as it is being filled.

The coin wrappers are designed in such a way that it holds specific number of coins such as denomination, etc. When coin wrapper is filled, the tube's open-end projects beyond the coin stack. The wrapper portion that is projecting is then folded manually over the coin stack in order to secure the coin stack inside the wrapper.

Most of the coin collectors dislike the coin wrapper appearance having the manually folded end. All the coin collectors will prefer that both the ends of the coin wrapper have the finished crimped ends.

To crimp the projecting ends of the coin wrappers, powered crimping machines are readily available. These machines include a typical rotary head holding more than one pair of concave having the shape of 'J'. Head of the machine rotates the hooks at the projecting end of wrapper and then presses the hook against the wrapper end. The hook's concave surface will define the curved sliding surface. The wrapper's end slides on the concave surfaces and it is then rolled over to the form of finished crimp.

For most of the coin collectors, the powered crimping machine is too expensive. For each denomination of the coin wrapper, a separate rotary head should be purchased and for the manufacturers, the curved slide surfaces of hooks are expensive. Periodic maintenance is very much required for these machines and the repairing of this machine is too expensive.

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Baby Shower Games: Fun and Functional!

Baby shower games can be so much fun, and games always add excitement and laughter to the festivities. You really are limited only by your imagination and resourcefulness. There are many easy and fun game suggestions online, at party supply stores, and in magazines. Let's discuss some easy, popular baby shower games for your baby shower!

Combine party favors with a fun baby shower game by creating mini baby diapers, by cutting small triangles from pink, blue, or yellow baby print fabric. Use pinking shears to cut them out, then pin them together with a tiny gold tone safety pin. Add things like jelly bellies or butter mints, but in one of the diapers, put a surprise such as a smear of peanut butter or a chocolate chip. Pin these on guests as they come in, and the one with the "surprise" wins a prize!

A cute piggy bank game is to ask the guests to bring extra pocket change. Everyone can take a turn at mentioning something they have never done before ('mooned' someone, gone skinny dipping, etc.) Everyone who has done the thing mentioned must put a coin in the piggy bank. Once the game ends, give the piggy bank to the mother-to-be as the baby's first piggy bank.

Arrange with one of your friends that the mother-to-be does not know, to come in late to the shower. Ask them to dress oddly, and carry a large purse or bag. Act as if you are upset, because the late arriver has disrupted the shower, and you are not sure they are even supposed to be there. Tell the late arrival they must show their invitation, or leave. The guest then plops down on the floor, and starts taking baby items out of the bag to try to find her invitation. When the invitation is shown, tell her that she can stay. Then she clumsily picks up the bag and joins the party. Now, the guests have to write down every "goodie" the guest had in the bag. Whoever can remember the most correct items that fell out of the bag is the winner. Also, the mom-to-be gets to keep all the "goodies" in the bag!!

Buy several different kinds of chocolate candy bars, and a package of baby diapers. Number the diapers with a marker. Write the same number on an envelope, and put the candy bar wrapper in the envelope. Melt about half of that candy bar in the diaper. Have each guest write on a piece of paper, the number on the diaper, and what candy bar they think is melted in it. Let them sniff the mess in the diapers, if they want, and be sure to have a camera on hand for some pictures of the diaper-sniffing!

Purchase several tiny clothespins. Clip 2-3 onto the collar or shirt of each guest when she arrives. Let each guest know that whoever catches another person saying the word "baby" gets to take her clothespin. Whoever has the most clothespins at the end of the shower wins!

No matter which of these baby shower games you choose, of if you have your own to play, baby shower games really make baby showers lots of fun. With any luck, they will provide entertainment and plenty of useful items for the new arrival!

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LGN Revolution Has Become the New and Improved Passport to Wealth

I Want That Home Based Business That Makes Thousands While I Sleep 

LGN Revolution is just what the name implies: Looking out for the Little Guy.

In today's deplorable economy with millions of people losing jobs and homes more people are turning to the home based business markets than ever before. With the thousands of various opportunities available to choose from it is often a complicated task for the first time home based business marketer to decide which avenue would best suit their needs.

As we have all seen and heard enticing stories about how so many people have become successful with their own home based internet business and earning that whole year's paycheck in just one month we can not help but to be envious and want to find the overnight success that delivers the automatic income which ensures we will never have to worry about money again.

With each of these business opportunities all promising the potential of earning incredible income with very little or no work required; many people join with the expectation to actually see instant success with little effort only to soon find themselves listed among the over 90% of home based internet marketers who never make a dime and fail miserably. Some people actually believe that all they need to do is simply sign up for their free test drive then sit back and wait for the bank to call and inform them that their account has exceeded F.D.I.C limits.

When I grow up I want to become a professional Pester expert.

Let's do a little reality check here for a minute. Nobody joins these business opportunities because they've always had a lifelong dream of beating their head off a brick wall trying to chase their family or friends and anybody who comes within three feet and pestering them to buy things which include: Magic Powders, Potions, Creams, Juice, Cookies, Credit Repair, travel Plans, Stuff that makes your car go Vroom Vroom, A New Mortgage, A Bigger Penis, or any of the thousands of  "Programs" in between.

The people who join these "programs" or "business opportunities" get involved for TWO Reasons ONLY. The First is: To Make Money and the Second is: To Make Money NOW!   I believe that for the most part the people who seek out which business is right for them to join are looking to find those where others have gotten involved before them and can claim to have done well, and of course become a member of a business that promotes products or services with the intention of not joining the many out there who feel that the key to success is a lack of integrity. Anybody who has been on line long enough soon discovers how the internet can be both fascinating and appalling at the same time.

As each year more and more predators come up to cyberspace creating more clever ways to deceive and cheat people; these are the bad apples who spoil the sincere efforts of those who work very hard to become known for trustworthiness and reliability. The internet seems to have a battlefield for good VS. evil. Often time one is mistaken for the other.

The way it works is actually very simple and not rocket science at all. A lot of people will settle on the business they want to join because they were lured in with promises of instant success and riches. Having heard about a superstar top earner that brings in the six figure monthly income they whip out that credit card and begin the process of what I like to call mental masturbation which translates to playing with your own head.

Is it true that I only have to work just a few minutes a day?

They listen to the instructions to "plug into the system" and come to the company training sessions expecting to learn how to find that  "Magic Wand" that they can simply add some "Magic Pixie Dust" and wave it around to begin making instant sales and enjoy tremendous income. What they then soon discover is, contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as building a business in "Just A Few Minutes A Day."

When they are unable to make the necessary sacrifices and roll up the sleeves and get to work and get out there to find the right people to speak with and build that network; then soon find themselves going back to that "Job they were supposed to replace" asking the "Boss they were supposed to fire" for some overtime to pay off all the credit card debts accumulated while trying to "build that business" and meanwhile now hiding behind the caller I.D. for all the harassing collection calls.

MY Sponsor went into the Witness Protection Program (Right after I sent my payment in.)

As new members join they now expect the sponsor who contacted them on a regular basis and informed them of all the great features including how the company does all the selling for you to become permanently attached. They now expect the sponsor to become the "Super Sponsor" who drops whatever they are doing at any time day or night to answer questions. Not only do they expect the Super Sponsor to "help them build their business" but even more so, expect the sponsor to build it for them. When they find this not to be the case, then the decline process begins. Soon they cancel the membership and do what many do which is set out on a witch hunt to defame the sponsor and the business.

Then suddenly they find time to get to work spreading their failure stories all over the internet and pointing the finger and anything or anyone to blame for their failures. A good example of this would be one of the most remarkable women who many people have heard of, Jeannie Looman. A stay at home mom from Georgia who spent years building one home based business after another while funding these from child support payments. After finding her pot of gold with passport To Wealth she then devoted much of her time and money  to sharing with hundreds of people how she was able to finally achieve her success.


While this woman should be nominated for the Mother Theresa award, there are numerous people who are angry that they had not been fortunate enough to duplicate her success and now instead of putting forth the time and effort necessary to do this, they spend more time to launch vile attacks against her and attempt to take hers away. Let's face it folks; The world does not care if you make it. They just get jealous when you do. It seems that the expression "Misery Loves Company" is so true because instead of taking the time and effort to go get their own slice of American Pie, they will make every effort possible to take yours away from you. 

So they give it a brief whirl, do not get rich overnight; then the next thing you see if they find the time to go create blogs and submit complaints to Rip Off Report.Com and tell the whole world that it is YOUR fault because they were unable to duplicate your success. I think tomorrow I am going to go across the street and ask my neighbor if he wouldn't mind to water and fertilize his lawn so that it will make my grass grow.

We often hear how not everything is for everyone. Not every person has what it takes to become a born salesperson. If they did, Mc Donald's would have a severe shortage of people who could stick their head out of the drive through window and ask you "Do you want fries with that?" Meanwhile, all along not even realizing they are selling fries yet receiving no commission for the sales generated. Yes LGN Revolution has made it much EASIER for those with NO Sales experience to see results. However, in order for the company to do all the work for you it is obviously in your best interest to get off your keyster and get out there to meet the quality people to introduce to the company.


Forgive that little attention grabber. No I am not selling cocaine. One of the examples I like to demonstrate for people is how some people are born salespersons and do not even realize it. As we all know or have heard about there is a serious drug epidemic in this, and many other countries. The undeniable fact is that so many people have made the fatal mistake of trying to achieve instant success by participating in illegal or prohibited activities in the hopes of hitting that fast money winning streak.

A drug dealer develops the skills necessary to know how to go out and find the right people to procure large quantities of drugs, then repackage this into small packages of drugs, then go out and find the people who will soon become regular customers and continue to order their supply of drugs. How do they accomplish this: Do they place ads in the L.A. or N.Y. Times Classified with "Wanted to Buy: Cocaine?" or "I have Cocaine for sale?" Yet without even realizing it they develop the skills necessary to build a word of mouth business that earns them a tremendous income until of course one of these word of mouth customers is a Police officer who then dutifully informs them that that business is a No-No and there are certain reprocussions to follow which include lengthy prison sentences and forfeitures of all earnings.

Products and Services Make The World Go Round

As the now retired Don LaPre, who became a multi-millionaire before the ripe age of 25 once said, "The trick to becoming rich is to find a product or service that people want or need and focus on finding the people who need it." If you have not noticed by now there is one product that people from any background all want or need and that is MONEY or the ability to earn a lot of it. People from all walks of life and every language all love to make money.

One good example I love to use is Mr. Ray Kroc, the founder of the aforementioned Micky D's, who took a chain of five stores and turned it into one of the largest corporations in the world from selling hamburgers. Dunkin' Donuts did it with a cup of coffee, AT&T did it with telephones and the list goes on. How much more simpler can it get than that?

I once knew a guy who made a fortune buying and selling Mattresses. Buying them at a discounted price and reselling them in a local classified paper at discounted prices. The thing I love most about LGN Revolution is I never have to replenish my product supply. The start up costs and membership fee allow me to have product on inventory at all times that I only Bought ONE time and can re-sell as often as I wish. No having to re-order for each sale makes for a very nice profit margin.

Of course instant success and riches do not come overnight and there are so many "follow the leader" methods along the way. Some will deliver better results than others while some return none at all. There are businesses who have been around for decades that suddenly seem to go belly up overnight while some are in business for less than one year and earn enough millions to open their own bank as the inventor of the Mr. Moonie toy has done with G & L Savings and Loan. Some people have the Midas touch where every thing they put their hand into turns to Gold; IE:  Sir Richard Branson of Virgin, or Mr. "You're Fired" Donald Trump and on the other end are people who have the defication touch where they touch things that turn into something I can't mention here as this is a family oriented site.

As many business such as passport To Wealth and LGN Revolution gain popularity  the select top earners who, after achieving great success, find their names soon become commonplace household words throughout the internet such as Darren Gaudry, Bob Williams, the aforementioned Jeannie Looman and many others. Consequently,.along come the numerous copy-cats who throw their collective hats in the ring and devote their advertising efforts to compete against or compare themselves to these companies. Using mud-slinging and bad-mouthing they attempt to lead people to think that other businesses are a SCAM or offer worthless products and seem to think this is the most efficient way to entice customers over to their side of the fence. If you have not figured out by now, this is one of the tricks used by many to get free search engine placement. If you want to open a business that competes against passport To Wealth, LGN Revolution, EDC Gold, or any other popular name, simply be sure to include those names in your ads that visitors who search for those keywords using Google (etc.)  will be sure to find.

This reminds me of an old trick a yard sale expert  did for free advertising. As the neighbors up the street took the time to create posters advertising their yard sale and post them all around the neighborhoods, this guy would simply wait for the same weekend they held that sale and hold one of his own. Now as all the people in the area saw the signs the neighbors took the trouble to create and post and arrived to their yard sale, they would notice there is another one being held only a few houses away at the same time. Clever way to get somebody else to pay for your advertising.

NO Inventory or Monthly Auto Ship Required

I would like to clarify that it is not the products that encourage new members to join so much as it is the income to be earned from marketing these products. Although I do remove my hat to Mr. James Ward, the creator and founder of LGN Revolution for having done a great job of listening to the complaints that Passport To Wealth has received and using this to turn a negative into a positive and removing the errors and obstacles that make LGN Revolution a much more powerful marketing tool. Having had the pleasure and Privilidge of communicating with James numerous times myself I've asked him when does he ever find the time to sleep. This man does a remarkable job of making himself available to all of his team members.

Promptly returning calls and emails personally and making his appearance on many of the team conference and training calls James Ward is the first one I have ever worked with where I feel he takes a sincere interest in growing each member's business and not just bringing them on board to collect the monthly membership fees. Talk about a bang for the buck, the measly $25.95 membership fee comes complete with ALL of the tools and resources that others charge separtely for. No more being on the hook for a few hundred bucks a month while trying to get started and bring in sales.

Even the compensation plan is designed to ensure member's success. With many of the other $997.00 programs there have been people who put up the initial costs including the required "Pass Up" sales only to find the sales soon stopped and they've had tremendous difficulty making the consecutive sales to get the return on investment. In today's deplorable economy it is realistically much more difficult to find those who can afford the $997.00 start up costs.  No matter how much they shake the sofa; only so much change is going to fall out. LGN Revolution removes this obstacle as now members can join for as low as only $200.00 and then build up to the $997.00 ELITE level.

What most people fail to realize is that even though these products are at their disposal with full resale rights, the average Joe on the street could really care less about them and is primarily interested on focusing on the income earned from the generated sales. Most of the people on the internet have no clue how to install and use many of the software products and most likely never will even attempt to do so. The vacation packages offered are truly remarkable in and of themselves. They allow some people who could never afford to visit outside of their own home to enjoy a moment in the sun in some of the most exotic locations in the world. Yet, as with the software products offered these vacation packages will simply sit in the back office and go un-used.

Advertising Advertising Advertising

I could not stress enough how just the same way the three key words in Real Estate are Location, Location, Location; the three key words in ANY marketing endeavor are: Advertising, Advertising, Advertising. For as long as anyone can remember your whole life you have been exposed to various forms of advertising. How many of us can recognize slogans or logos simply from the constant bombardment of advertising efforts we have been exposed to? When you see the Nike "Swoosh" you think "Just Do It" or when you drive down the street and see those golden arches you already know "Mc Donald's" with "over one million served." Of course that has been recently changed to Billions, but you get the idea. Branding, product placement and constant repetition has been proven to work time and time again.

Or how about "Ivory Soap" with "99.9% Pure" and "So Pure It Floats?" Meanwhile you may think to yourself, "Awww that stuff does not affect me; I pay no attention to that." Then one day while in the grocery store with the shopping list that includes some soap for the bathroom and going down the aisle you see the bar of Ivory and don't even think twice before grabbing it and tossing it in your cart.

Most people, especially those just getting started, do not have the extensive advertising budgets that others are privy to. Yet even some of the Free Advertising resources may prove to deliver better results that some of the most expensive commercial ads. It makes no difference if you can drop a million dollars a minute for television commercials during the Superbowl or simply placing bumper stickers on the back of your car. You need to get your ad out there to bring the eyeballs to your site. One of the new things I have noticed is how clothing manufactures have been stitching logos on the seat of women's pants. As if to say, "Hey, since you are looking down here anyway; you may as well read my ad."  What a great idea. Why didn't I think of that?  I'm going to ask some sexy girls if they wouldn't mind  stitching my website address across her butt.

I have found that some free advertising resources have delivered better results than expected. Yes when placing ads on free classified websites we all get bombarded with offers from fellow marketers attempting to entice us to come visit their website and join their business. That is to be expected. In this game we are all compared to a bunch of cows in a corral all Mooing each other. I got white milk over here. I got chocolate here. I have taken out full page magazine ads for $5000.00 that delivered just 2 calls and then have gotten hundreds of hits simply from placing free ads on places such as backpage or craigslist.

Are you an Expert on how to LOSE money on line?

I could write an entire novel here with the numerous failed experiences I have had over the years in my attempts to find the right "business" to promote. Then again, with the "over 90% who fail" so couldn't many people. As Thomas Edison once wrote when attempting to find a filament to use for his light bulb that would not burn out; "I have not failed 1000 times. I have successfully found 1000 ways that will not work." Have you heard of the common household lubricant called WD-40 and the story how it got that name? When NASA commissioned the lab to come up with a "Water Deterrent" formula that could be used in space, they went through 40 different experiments until they found the one that delivered satisfactory results. Hence the name 4D-40.

Many of us have heard the expression "Practice Makes Perfect" yet nothing can be further than the truth as you can practice doing it WRONG a whole lot. Perfect practice makes Perfect. Unfortunately, as we travel through this wonderful growing and learning experience we call live many of us come out with a PhD from the School of Hard Knocks. This is another of the reasons why I truly appreciate the efforts of Mr. James Ward and his LGN Revolution as the team that shares with new members is not afraid to expose them to the truths of where to go for useful tools and resources, but more importantly, where to avoid. This is another small step to keep the struggling marketer from going broke when they are supposed to be on the way to creating wealth.

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