An Adult Pirate Party!

Make sure your next party for adults in a fun theme party for all new Pirates! Without children. However, this does not mean that adults can dress up like pirates and act like kids for a while '. When throwing your pirate themed party, make sure to send invitations to all of them say that this is a costume party, but if you forget that you are probably leaving a few people on their clothes.

You can mount a simple food and drinks for aPirate Party. Pirates love their beer! Food should be rich and hearty. A lot of meat and cheese. Maybe you can set up a cold buffet of meat and let everyone make their sandwiches for the event. Make sure you have plenty of sliced ​​bread, because these pirates will surely score appetite for matching outfits. Order all extra.

Pirate-themed decorations are only suitable for the event. You can hang banners reds and blacks, a skull and entereye patches and plastic hooks as party favors to the guests who happen to arrive without their pirate garb.

Entertainment can be lots of pirate movies and if you don't feel like watching a movie try playing a CD of the movie soundtrack from the recent pirate movie, Curse of the Black Pearl.

Pirates liked their gold too so you can set up a few poker and blackjack games to entertain the guests. If you want to keep the party civil then use chocolate foil covered

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