Blood Diamond - Get the Facts
This session will define short-Blood Diamond and help them understand why you should inquire about the origin of the diamond.
What are blood diamonds?
There are three main reasons why diamonds are regarded or classified as Blood Diamond:
They are found in African countries at war with rebels who use the proceeds to reduce its operations to finance militias. These rebels grossly abuse human rights, imposing forced labor, slavery to mine diamonds and too oftenMurder of the local population.
They are used to finance terrorism and other illegal activities like drug trafficking, money laundering and civil war.
Were seized by force from the diamond mines in the good faith of militias and other illegal groups.
This problem has become so critical that the (UN), Organization of the United Nations, increasing the plate and joined the fight against these indicate illegal activity. Here's how the UN defines Blood Diamond "... diamonds that originate from areas ofcontrolled by forces or parties, as opposed to legitimate governments, and internationally recognized and are used to fund military action in opposition to those governments, or in violation of Security Council decisions. "
As a reminder, blood diamonds are diamonds that have been illegally confiscated or forced labor in order to finance terrorist activities, civil wars, drug trafficking and money laundering operations of the militia, criminal, against the government and otherelements of mentality.
You can imagine the feeling of average law-abiding citizens would know that he or she secretly funded by a sort of illegal operation of their purchase diamond? This is another reason why this problem is so serious Blood Diamond.
How are blood diamonds come from?
In short, it is the law of supply and demand. The diamonds have been and will always be in demand. You can get a high price in almost all markets around the world. People and companiesthat my diamonds and sell them to other countries have learned that there is no shortage of eager buyers.
With demand so high and the demand for diamonds as big as a negative element of the company jumped into the game and devastated. They are the ones that led to this dark side of the diamond trade.
How long has Blood Diamond?
This may be shocking, but Blood Diamond have been around for quite a while 'time, probably more than some peopleadmit. However it took until December 2000 that the international community has formally recognized the gravity of the situation.
It was then that the United Nations General Assembly recognized the role of diamonds in funding conflict in parts of Africa. Fortunately, they came up with a target resolution, the link between the illegal sale of diamonds and wars in the affected areas.
He hired by the United NationsHelped?
Yes and No! We say 'no', because there are still blood diamonds on the market. And we say, "Yes", because they share some great strides in raising awareness and contain some of the Blood Diamond have sex.
Without doubt, the UN resolution in place, countries need to buy diamonds from Africa to raise awareness about trafficking and the international sanctions that followed. In addition, some countries have started their own processes and methodsthe illegal practice of selling blood diamonds sidewalk
I must stop buying diamonds at all?
Absolutely not! There are many jewelers diamond wholesale and retail, are aware of the trade in diamonds on the black market and to abstain from blood diamonds to the retail or wholesale.
The legitimate diamond trade alive and well, offering more than 10 million jobs for workers throughout the world. You can be sure to purchase when you buy conflict-freeDiamonds.
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