Jewish Dreidel

Remember the chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil? If you think these are great, I'm sure you will enjoy the dreidel.

What is a dreidel?

The dreidel is a quadrilateral in a game that is usually played by Jews during Hanukkah chidren. Hanukkah or Festival of Lights is celebrated Jewish holidays at the end of November until the end of December. The name comes from the Yiddish word "Dreydl" means to rotate or twist. Each pageThe dreidel has written a letter of the Hebrew alphabet on it: Well, Gimel, Hei and Shin. Together, these letters to NGHS acronym (Nes Gadol Hayah Sham), which "was a big surprise there," translated. Dreidels sold in Israel, the letters NGSP (Nes Gadol Hayah Po), which means "A great miracle happened here."

While the dreidel came to be.

It 'been said that Jews the game with a top similar during the reign of king Antiochus greek started.At that time, Jews were forbidden to worship and were prosecuted when caught. When you suspect guards or soldiers to collect them, began to study the Torah, would begin to play the dreidel game, then it would be like if they were playing.

How to play.

The dreidel game can be played with any number of people more than 2. Players must "regulated", it can be money or pieces of chocolate coins. The players have put a piece of the center"Pot" at the beginning of each shift. Each player has a chance to spin the dreidel. When the top stops, it will fall on one side. To determine the letter that opens, like a lot of players out of the pot. Now, the player gets nothing. Gimel, the player takes everything into the pot. Hey, things only get the reader into the pot in half. Shin means that the player loses, and instead brings a piece of its share of the dish!

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